Sunday, April 24, 2016

Line Lesson K-5

For this lesson I will be addressing the AZ Anchor Standard #1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.  Students will explore how to make art in creative ways. The sound component in this lesson encourages children to think creatively and outside the box.  They will also gain new art vocabulary addressing line within creative works of art.

Line is the most basic aspect of art.  There are lots of different types of lines.  Zig zags, curves, straight, horizontal, vertical.  (Draw these on the board for students as you speak about them.)  Lots of art work is made completely out of lines.  Today we are going to explore how lots of lines together, set to music create a composition. (A composition is all the different ingredients that come together to make a piece of art work)  
Art created with Sound Viz based on a track
Write these vocabulary words on the board and have students add them to their sketch book.
Line- A point moving in space
Composition- All the ingredients that come together to make a piece of art

Show this video on line...

Lets open up our computers to a really cool website that is going to help us make art based on music, Sound Viz (You can book some computer lab time for this portion of the lesson or make sure students bring their tablets with them to class this day).  Sound Viz is a site that will let students pick a color pallet and then set it to music.  Let students play around with different colors, spacing, widths and style.  Our project is going to be based on the radial style they offer so be sure they play with that option as well.  Once they have their composition show them how to screen shot it and email it to you. 

Line Homework

Homework - Here is a fun printable I created to help further comprehension about line at home. Younger students can measure the lines with yarn.  Older students will probably know the answer right away so encourage them to time the distance with a stop watch.

On your next class meet-up bring the students art from Sound Viz printed from your email.  Have them add it to their sketchbooks to reflect back on another time.  Now we are going to explore an interesting idea!  Have you ever heard a sound and it brought an image to mind or maybe you immediately thought of a certain color that matched a sound?  Today we will listen to some short tracks and I want you to grab the first 4 colors from your box that come to mind.  Next, use straight lines coming out from your circle to represent how the song progresses.  Maybe there is a part of the song that really stands out to you and you want to show that by making thick, long lines.  Or perhaps a part of a song is soft and delicate and you want to show that with thin soft lines.  Now model for students how we create this art that is inspired by the Sound Viz activity.  Let these pics guide you.

Start with a sheet of paper, circle stickers and crayons. Use different size circles for 
each track, let them pick.  It will make it interesting

Cut your paper into 4 equal parts
Students will choose color based on soundtrack and
begin using line to represent the audio
Have them continue around the circle, replaying track if necessary

Mount on black poster board 

Here is the podcast that will walk you through the soundtracks for the kids.  Feel free to pause or replay to accommodate your class.  There are four tracks in total...that's why you have 4 pieces of paper.  The goal is to create different looking art for each soundtrack.  Have students share with the class so we may all see how each person experienced their sounds in different ways.

Podcast with music tracks - Download this episode (right click and save)

Or you could play each track in full as they work
Curse of the Scarab
Final Battle of the Dark Wizard
Frost Waltz
Quirky Dog

Since this is a series of lessons on line there is no rubric, that will come when assessing the entire portfolio.  For now, you want to check for completeness and craftsmanship.

Since this is a series of line lessons you should save the formal critique until the end of the segment.  If you are using this lesson to supplement a multi-subject classroom you could draw popsicle sticks to have students share, encouraging them to use the vocabulary they learned in the lesson.  This will allow them to evaluate themselves and for their peers to evaluate them.  Prompt them to talk about why they selected the colors they did or why certain portions of there compositions change from one look to the next, relating to the song.

Friday, April 15, 2016

This week in my Multimedia and Interactive Technologies class we are learning to make digital flashcards.  You can click here for 25 great art terms to share with your students.  

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Line Lesson 1 - Grades 9-12

In this Lesson we will explore how line is used in art.  We will be addressing a portion of High School Arizona Art Anchor Standard #1 (A) - Organize and Develop Artistic Ideas and Work. We will begin to explore line and how it can create movement and depth within an art work.

Paolo Ceric's One Line Drawing

Line is considered to be the most basic element of art.  It can be called a moving dot and it has an endless number of uses in art.  It can control your eye and move you through a space.  It can describe edges in different ways. Line can add value and shape to a picture.  It can add texture and form. There are different kinds of lines...vertical, horizontal, zig zag, diagonal, curved.  Lines can carry different weight, texture, width & length.  For example, Paolo Ceric's drawing above is created by one single line, there is no picture behind or laid over top.  He uses different line weights and directions to create the form and depth.

Introduce students to the vocabulary they will be using within this project and final critique.  Have them write these down in their sketchbooks.  Let them know they will be expected to use two of these terms during a self evaluation and peers will draw from this list when critiquing.

Line- An element of art defined by a point moving in space. Line may be two-or three-dimensional, descriptive, implied, or abstract.
Value- The lightness or darkness of tones or colors.  White is the lightest value: black is the darkest.
Shape- An element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width.
Texture- An element of art that refers to the way things feel, or look as if they might feel if touched.
Form- An element of art that is three-dimensional and encloses volume; includes height, width and depth (as in a cube, a sphere, a pyramid, or a cylinder). Form may also be free flowing.
Depth- The apparent distance from front to back or near to far in an artwork. 

During the first half of class we will watch videos and view presentations on line.  We will explore different artists who use line similar to our project.  Encourage students to write down the names of artists they like so they may google them at home.  You can even have them start a file or Pinterest board dedicated to artists who inspire them. (This could lead to an interesting classroom discussion at a later time where students share their inspiration boards.)

Now it is time for students to get out their sketch books and micro sharpies.  I used an art activity from Julianna Kunstler for this lesson plan.  She has many free lesson plans on her site. Click here for the step by step. 

I did not create a rubric for this assignment since it is a series of warm up activities leading to a final piece of work in a line series.  Check for completeness and craftsmanship.


Students will keep this activity in their sketch books.  After our line series is over (probably three or four more activities) they will include it in their portfolio to critique as a whole.  Students will come to class prepared to showcase their art work.  They will reflect on their piece explaining how they chose certain features and why they used them the way they did.  They will be required to use two vocabulary words discussed in the lesson plans.  They will also need to speak about one way they were influenced by the art work shown during the lesson plans.  During peer reflection they will be encouraged to use the art vocabulary they learned about in the lesson and NOT use adjectives like cute, pretty and cool unless they can back it up with a substantial reason why.